Organization Overview:The Foundation for Faces of Children is dedicated to improving the lives of children with cranial and facial differences, including cleft lip and cleft palate. Our mission is to provide patients and families with the most accurate, up-to-date, and accessible information about facial differences and to advocate for the best care possible.

Project Overview: The Foundation for the Faces of Children needed an updated site that was responsive and accessible. Our analysis showed that most of their audience used mobile devices and tablets to access the site, and the static HTML site did not have that capability. In addition, the site hosted a comprehensive glossary  related to cranial and facial differences and the staff was looking for an easier way to keep the information accurate and up-to-date.

Solution: Our goal was to create a website using the template design AND provide a way for non-technical staff to maintain the content. In addition to communicating the function and general purpose of the organization, the site required an events listing, photo galleries, and glossary of terms and conditions. The solution was to create a responsive site using WordPress and Avada as the theme. The result, an attractive, technically sound website that can be managed by the technical staff with little technical support.